Our basic principles are legality, responsibility, environmental and social consciousness and business ethics.
Legality, as expressed by systematically monitoring and compliance with the rules and the legislative requirements relating to the environment, health and safety at work and other legislative requirements associated with the operation of Hellenic Waste Management.
Responsibility and respect towards our customers, our partners and our employees through continuous efforts to improve the quality of services, the working conditions, the operating methods and information on the developments in the business areas of company.
Environmental Responsibility, through prudent and rationalization use of natural resources, the ensurance of environmental protection, preventing any kind of pollution and the systematic identification and control of environmental impacts and health risks arising from the activities of the company.
Social Responsibility, as arising by the continuous effort to ensure the health and safety of the workers, the partners, the local community and the public, to prevent occupational accidents and diseases but also to inform and encourage our staff to active participate in individual and group level, in environmental protection activities.
Business Ethics and deontology, with the secure and effective management of all relevant data and information derived from the company’s partnerships, with the promotion of open dialogue and informing stakeholders, and particularly the creation of harmonious cooperation with our customers and our suppliers in a spirit of loyalty and mutual respect.
Moreover essential element in our philosophy is Innovation, by developing quality services, innovative applications and integrated solutions aimed at the complete satisfaction of our customers and to ensure the quality of the environment and the sustainability.
The Hellenic Waste Management policies are adopted by the company’s personnel through the daily practices in work, so that the implementation by all members of the company is universal and conscious.
Following a path of sustainable development, we are committed to operate with respect for the environment, the society and the human.