
Antipollution Equipment Supply

Part of an ongoing effort to prevent and control pollution, Hellenic Waste Management is trading and supply anti-pollution equipment of the Top International and Greek brands , such as:

  1. Floating booms (fence type, curtain type, air inflated oil booms)
  2. Low pressure air blower
  3. Oil boom storage systems
  4. Oil skimmers (brush skimmers, self adjustable weir skimmers, pumps for weir skimmer)
  5. Oil trap
  6. Chemical dispersant
  7. Chemical dispersant sprayer
  8. Absorbent Materials (absorbents pads, rolls, booms, pillows)
  9. Power Packs and Vacuum Systems
  10. Temporary Storage Tanks
  11. Tools (anchors set, net, etc.)

The anti-pollution equipment supply, combined with the training we provide to employees of companies and facilities, is a complete solution for the customer, as it ensures the proper and rationalization deal of the most frequent emergency pollution incidents.

Especially to deal marine pollution from oil products, we are resellers of an innovative integrated system Oil spill detection® which can detect oil from distance 24 hours a day and informs in real time.


Contact us for more information